How to set the default screen resolution for VNC Viewer when Raspberry Pi is not connected to a monitor

A headless setup is when your Raspberry Pi is turned on without a monitor.

The display is not needed usually, especially if your access is only via SSH. The issue would be if you connect via VNC Viewer, the display will look like this.

The icons are too big but the screen is too small.

What’s happening here is that Raspberry Pi will use a very small screen resolution when it is not connected to a monitor. So when you connect via VNC Viewer, VNC will get the same small screen resolution.

To solve this, we need to change the default headless screen resolution of the Raspberry Pi. You can follow the instructions below to set this.

Changing the default screen resolution of a headless Raspberry Pi

Continue reading How to set the default screen resolution for VNC Viewer when Raspberry Pi is not connected to a monitor

How to Fix Typing Wrong Keyboard Characters in Raspberry Pi

The first time I used a Raspberry Pi years ago, I got frustrated that I could not connect to the WiFi Network. So I tested on the text editor if I am typing the correct password. As it turns out, pressing the backslash (\) on the keyboard will type the hashtag symbol (#), and if I press Shift + 2 will type double-quotes (") instead of At sign (@).

The reason for the incorrect characters being typed is by default the Raspberry Pi is set to use a UK-based keyboard layout. To correct this, we need to reconfigure the keyboard layout to the ones we are using.

In my case, I am using a US-based keyboard layout. In the tutorial below that is what I am going to use. You can select the keyboard layout that you are using.

There are several ways to update the Keyboard Layout in a Raspberry Pi, you may choose which one you prefer on the list below.

Continue reading How to Fix Typing Wrong Keyboard Characters in Raspberry Pi

How to change the System Font and Icon Size of Raspberry Pi Desktop

Depending on the screen size or the usage of the Raspberry Pi, I usually tweak the font size and icon size.

If I am teaching or recording videos, I want the icon and font size to be large. If I am blogging, then I want them to be medium size. If I am using a small resolution screen then I want to change the icon and font size to a smaller proportion.

Appearance Settings

Luckily, Raspberry Pi has a Set Defaults icon for different screen sizes which makes it quick for me to change the sizes.

To change the system icon and font size of the Raspberry Pi head over to Appearance Settings and tweak the configuration there.

If you need guidance or instructions on how to navigate the settings then follow the tutorial below.

Continue reading How to change the System Font and Icon Size of Raspberry Pi Desktop

How to change the Desktop Background of Raspberry Pi

When running Raspberry Pi on a fresh install it has a default background of a photo. I’m not really a fan of the default photo so I often change this to a lighter wallpaper or a solid dark background.

Default Wallpaper of Raspberry Pi OS release date April 4, 2022

Below are the steps to change the Desktop Background.

Continue reading How to change the Desktop Background of Raspberry Pi

How to Disable Screen Sleep in Raspberry Pi

If you have been using a Raspberry Pi, you might have encountered that the screen sleeps or turns off after some time when you do not use the mouse or keyboard.

The turning off of the display when there is no activity in Raspberry Pi is called Screen Blanking. By default this is enabled.

Screen Blanking or sleeping is good if you want to save power, but distracting (sometimes annoying) if you are doing something in the Raspberry Pi.

To turn this feature off you do not have to install xscreensaver, you only need to disable it in the Raspberry Pi Configuration.

Follow the steps below to disable screen sleeping of your Raspberry Pi.

Steps to disable Screen Blanking or Sleeping with the Raspberry Pi

Click on the Menu button on the upper right (Raspberry Pi Icon) >> Preferences >> Raspberry Pi Configuration.

Continue reading How to Disable Screen Sleep in Raspberry Pi

How to connect Raspberry Pi to Bluetooth Keyboard

Follow the steps below to connect your Bluetooth Keyboard or Mouse to your Raspberry Pi.

I’m using a Logitech K380 on the examples below since that is my Bluetooth keyboard. But you can follow the same steps if you are using a different Bluetooth keyboard or device, such as a Bluetooth mouse.

Continue reading How to connect Raspberry Pi to Bluetooth Keyboard

How to Format an SD Card after using it on a Raspberry Pi (Windows Disk Management)

Whenever you install a Raspberry Pi Operating System (Raspbian, Ubuntu Mint, etc.) on an SD Card you will get two drives. One is formatted in FAT32 and the other in Linux Filesystem Format.

On the photo above here the SD card has 2 drives. E: and F:.

E: FAT32 42.4 MB Max Size
F: Linux File System ????

Note: There is actually a way to know what specific file system and how big it is for the Drive F:. I am avoiding it on this post as it would complicate matters.

Note: You may get a different drive for your SD Cards with Raspberry Pi OS when you insert them on Windows.

You can read more about SD Card Disk Partitions when using it for a Rasberry Pi here.

Now when you want to use an SD Card back to like using it on your Android Phone or camera, you just cannot use it by simply inserting it on the SD Card slot and turning on your gadget. You have to properly format the SD Card.

Note: If this method does not work for you, I will be writing another method for Windows, Mac and Linux systems in the future.


If you format separately the two drives (E: and F:), you will end up with two drives instead of one that has the full capacity of the SD Card.

Continue reading How to Format an SD Card after using it on a Raspberry Pi (Windows Disk Management)

How to use Synergy on Raspberry Pi

I have always used Synergy when using multiple computers since I do not want to use a lot of hardware (mouse and keyboard) to control all my unit. When I first received a Raspberry Pi the first thing I did was make Synergy work.

Here is the configuration that I use when working with Raspberry Pi.

  • Client – Raspberry Pi (to be controlled)
  • Server – Laptop where the mouse and keyboard will be used (Windows/Mac)

Screenshot of Synergy on a Windows computer.

1. Installing Synergy on Raspbian

Open the terminal and run the code below.

sudo apt-get install synergy

This will install Synergy on the Raspberry Pi along with its dependencies.

Continue reading How to use Synergy on Raspberry Pi

SD Card Partitions when installing Raspbian for Raspberry Pi

From the very start that I used a Raspberry Pi I have always been curious about how it partitions the microSD Card every step of the Raspbian installation to running the Raspberry Pi.

You will see below on what happens to your SD Card Paritions every step of the installation to running the Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi.

Testing Parameters

SD Card Sizes

I shall be using 2 SD Card memory sizes, 8GB and 16GB. The reason for me using these memory sizes is for us to see if there are any differences on the SD Card Partitions depending on the SD Card size.

Checking of the SD Card Partitions

I shall use Partition Wizard on Windows 10 to check the SD Card partitions as it has a graphical representation of the different partitions and it can detect Linux and Mac file systems. Continue reading SD Card Partitions when installing Raspbian for Raspberry Pi

In Photos: Raspberry Pi Official Casing (Red and White)

I just bought the official casing of Raspberry Pi and I am very happy with it.

I always bringing my Raspberry Pi 3 inside its box for extra protection from being crushed inside my bag. Then I realized that sometimes I would like to use my Raspberry Pi inside coffee shops or in public places where I can work.

Having a bare Raspberry Pi board would make people doubt what you are doing since you are have an electronic board with you. Embarrassing if people would glance at you thinking that you are doing something bad. Seriously bad if a guard or police would approach you. These are the reason why I bought my case. Continue reading In Photos: Raspberry Pi Official Casing (Red and White)