Using GoDaddy Domain in AWS Route 53

To use GoDaddy Domains with Amazon Web Services (AWS) products such as Elastic Load Balancers, CloudFront, API Gateway, etc., you will need to associate your domain with AWS Route 53 DNS.

Follow the step-by-step tutorial below on how to associate your GoDaddy Domain to Amazon Route 53.

For the purpose of demonstration, I will be using my sample domain name –

Setup AWS Route 53 Hosted Zone

Login to AWS Console and then go to Amazon Route 53.

On the welcome screen of Route 53, click on Get started now.

Amazon Route 53 Welcome Screen

Click on Create Hosted Zone.

Click again on Create Hosted Zone.

A sidebar will show asking for you to input the following details about your domain.

Domain Name:[Name of your Domain in GoDaddy] (Required)
Comment:[Put your comment here]
Type:Public Hosted Zone

Then click on Create.

You will then be redirected to the Hosted Zone Record Set page. Two entries are automatically created, NS and SOA Type.

Continue reading Using GoDaddy Domain in AWS Route 53

Resizing Storage Volume for AWS EC2 Windows without Restarts/Downtime

Problem: You are running a critical Windows Server on AWS EC2 and the C: drive is almost full (storage volume) but it should zero downtime (No Restart, No Stop then Start). Is this possible on AWS EC2?

Yes, it is possible.

Check the instructions below.

Test Windows Server

AMI Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Base
Instance Type t2.micro
Storage 30 GiB – General Purpose SSD (gp2)

Storage Size

We are increasing the Storage size from 30 GiB to the target size of 50 GiB.

You can set any size that you want as long as it is bigger than the current size.

Resizing Storage

To resize the volume of the Windows Drive on AWS you can follow the steps below. Continue reading Resizing Storage Volume for AWS EC2 Windows without Restarts/Downtime

AWS Lambda Console: Accessing Environment Variables via Python

Editing configuration values inside the code is a high risk for error since there is a high chance that not only the values that you are changing you will change, you might even delete a letter or edit a line. In order to avoid this risk, you want your code to be able to accept configuration values at run time. This is extremely useful when developing codes on different environments like development, testing and production.

With AWS Lambda you can reuse your code on different environments using the Environment Variables.

Below is the way to use Environment Variables on AWS Lambda Console using Python 3.6.

Note: This is the same way to use Environment Variables on Python 2.7 and Python 3.7.

Environment Variables Setup

The Environment Variables section can be found under the Function Code section.

Environment Variables are Key/Value Pairs. The Key is what you will use on your Lambda Code, to access its Value. Continue reading AWS Lambda Console: Accessing Environment Variables via Python